I’m happy to have both Bill Kipp, Founder of FAST Defense Global and retired Lt. Col. Woody Boyd as my mentors. These two men are courageous warriors with soft hearts (don’t tell them I told you!) These two awesome guys are creating a new business called Shield to Shield Training. They teach the same FAST Defense method of self defense, but they add in more advanced training such as Responsible Gun Use and Bystander Intervention.
I love the name Shield to Shield. In ancient Greek warfare, armies would fight in formations called phalanx. In these rectangular formations, soldiers would stand side to side with the shield of one touching the shield of the next and creating a wall of protection. Each warrior carried his shield on his left arm, which would only protect the left side of his body. But standing shield to shield, his shield would cover the right side of the warrior to his left. This offered more protection than any man could have alone. They marched forward as one entity, united and strong.
In this world, we need not go it alone. The more of us who are willing to stand and fight against the violence in this world, the more protection we all have. I’m grateful that Bill and Woody are warriors in this fight with me!
Please take a moment and visit Shield to Shield. They have many useful class and I highly recommend their Responsible Gun Use classes.